Thursday, October 29, 2009

Take the long view: donor relationships grow and last through clear and consistent communication

John Leonard, a noted writer, once famously said, "It takes a long time to grow an old friend." In the same vein, fundraisers know it takes time and effort to build committed donor support.

In this era of shortened attention spans, a big challenge over the long period is to keep communications fresh and new while maintaining consistency and clarity regarding the foundation’s purpose, activities, etc.

The solution is for organizations to take the long view and identify the overlying Vision and the underlying Core Story that they wish to communicate over the long-term. Only with this focus will they be able to continually send the clear and consistent messages that build lasting relationships.

Many organizations confuse their Mission Statement & Program Description with their Vision & Core Story, when in fact they are quite different. In the following example of a fictitious human services organization which description is more compelling?

Mission Statement:
  • XYZ Organization helps at-risk youth in Example County avoid activities that are detrimental to their future with after-school programs that nurture decision-making abilities.
  • XYZ will give every child in Example County a real chance to have a brighter future. We will change lives through empowerment programs that respect each individual’s decision making power. With proven, sustainable and scalable techniques XYZ Organization will equip at-risk youth with the ability to make decisions that lead to a bright future.
The Mission Statement plainly describes what your organization does whereas the Vision forcefully tells what changes you will make in the world and provides a vivid description of how you’ll do it! Clearly, the Vision generates more excitement, is more applicable to fundraising and more useful in building donor relationships.

Similarly, the Core Story explains the important details of the cause in a way that brings sparks to supporters’ eyes. The Core Story does not replace the Program Description but rather incorporates it into a far more visual and exact description of “who” the organization is, the “reason” it exists, “how” it goes about its work, and the “strategy” that will achieve the Vision.

The Vision and the Core Story are hardly ever stated out-right in communications to supporters. Rather, these details are subtlety communicated in a myriad of ways with which most organizations are familiar. These ways can include accounts of beneficiaries’ experiences, the latest program results or even interviews with staff members. Through these messages supporters form an “impression” of the organization’s Vision and Core Story. It is this impression that supporters reference when they read about the latest news or are called upon to support the cause.

Organizations that do not actively define and target a Vision and Core Story in their communications leave far too much to chance. The impression a supporter forms of your organization’s focus, competency, and progress may not be the one you want! If you have not done so recently, ask some of your supporters what their impression is of your work. Is this the story you want them to remember?

When your communications, actions, and results consistently support a clear long-range Vision and Core Story, your organization demonstrates the focus, accountability and competency that build donor’s confidence. Supporters have the context to see how the little picture fits into the big picture, how just a small bit of positive news represents an exciting step towards the ultimate goal!

As time goes on and progress is made, relationships strengthen, excitement builds and constituents become even more motivated to do their part to achieve the Vision.

Brian Pickett assists nonprofits in developing the key components of sustainable growth. Relationships are an organization’s greatest asset, a fact PickettCRM leverages to help organizations expand their donor base. For more information on nonprofit CRM solutions please visit PickettCRM, Houston, TX.